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Term Dates and ATTENDANCE


Where a family chooses to take a holiday during term time, the absences will be coded as unauthorised, and as such, Headteachers may request that the Local Authority issues a Penalty Notice. For more information please visit the following page Attendance information for schools.    

The School Day

The school day starts at 8.30am, doors will be closed promptly at 8.40. After this time all children must be brought through the main entrance and signed in at the office.

The school day ends at 3.00pm.

School cannot take legal responsibility for children who arrive before 8.30 am. Please do not allow children to play on the equipment, or grass mound before and after school for their own safety.  Please ensure that children disembark from bicycles and scooters as they enter the school site.

In the interests of health and safety, parents/carers are asked to allow children unobstructed access in entering and exiting the school in the morning and afternoon, in order to ensure that teachers are able to check that all children enter and leave the building safely. 

School Opens  Tuesday 27th August 2024 
Mid Term Break  Monday 21st October - Friday 25th October 2024 
School Closed  Friday 29th November 2024 
School Closes Friday 20th December 2024 
School Opens  Monday 6th January 2025 
Mid Term Break  Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February 2025
School Closes  Friday 11th April 2025 
School Opens Monday 28th April 2025
May Day Monday 5th May 2025
Mid Term Break  Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May 2025 
School Closes  Wednesday 9th July 2025 
School Opens  Tuesday 26th August 2025 
Mid Term Break  Monday 20th October - Friday 24th October 2025 
School Closed  Friday 28th November 2025 
School Closes  Friday 19th December 2025
School Opens  Monday 5th January 2026
Mid Term Break Monday 16th February -  Friday 20th February 2026
School Closes  Friday 27th March 2026
School Opens  Monday 13th April 2026
May Day  Monday 4th May 2026
Mid Term Break  Monday 25th May - Friday 29th May 2026

School Closes 

Thursday 9th July 2026